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Nežka Zamar is an interdisciplinary artist, based between Vienna, Venice, and Ljubljana. Her practice focuses on questioning and pushing the limits of identity and individuality of a language, expanding the interspace between materiality and concept. Backed with research and documentation, her subjects are represented through different artistic mediums, often conglomerated in spatial installations and site-specific projects. Her works draw  from complex relationships between subjects that manifest as the material of her objects and the objects of her work. She holds BA and MA degrees in Visual Arts from the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and has completed a fully funded semester at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in Istanbul. She is one of the founding members of the art collective Fondazione Malutta and a co-founder of Sans acid. From 2012 onwards she participated in numerous residencies, art talks, and projects, such as a collaboration with the Albanian Pavilion at the International Architecture Exhibition in Venice, and a public intervention and book presentation at the Mediterranea Young Artists Biennale, Tirana. Over the years her work has been internationally exhibited in both group and solo shows. In 2024 she was nominated for the OHO Group Award, the central national award for young artists in Slovenia, and started her PhD studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna.





MA of Fine Arts in Visual Arts and Painting at Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, Venice, Italy


Erasmus + Exchange Programme in Visual Arts and Painting at Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar

Üniversitesi, Istanbul, Turkey


BA of Fine Arts in Visual Arts and Painting at Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, Venice, Italy




On and Beyond - A Love Letter To Shadows, ¡Vamos Hombre!, curated by Chiara Ianeselli, Galleria Alberta Pane, Venice, Italy (ongoing)


FM Anthology, Spazio Joystick, Venice, Italy

Le fogge delle rocce, curated by Gianluca D'Incà Levis, Dolomiti Contemporanee, Nuovo Spazio di Casso al Vajont, Italy

Nagrada skupine OHO - Razstava nominirancev / OHO Award nominees' art exhibition, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Luglio, Agosto, Settembre e Ottobre, curated by Fondazione Malutta, Spazio Neutro, Reggio Emilia, Italy


Fondazione Malutta in spazio, curated by Gloria Pasotti, with a curatorial text by Antonio Grulli, Spazio Contemporanea, Brescia, Italy

The Sessions, curated by JAŠA and Mattia Varini, Kuelhaus Berlin, Berlin, Germany


Topografije zvoka, curated by Nina Dragičević, Galerija ŠKUC, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Identity, the Inner Border, curated by David Kranzelbinder, Pavelhaus, Bad Radkersburg, Austria

Translate, curated by Gianluca Cappellazzo, Spazio 21, Lodi (MI), Italy

Off the Hook; Likely to Happen, curated by Urška Aplinc, Kula Cetinjska Gallery, Belgrade, Serbia


Wunderbar, curated by Bardadino, Venice, Italy 

Vaccanza - The Mountain Tropical Experience, curated by Gianluca D'Incà Levis, Nuovo Spazio di Casso al Vajont, Italy

Hydra Pace Final Presentation, curated by Petra Houskovà and Husam Abusalem, East Slovak Gallery, Košice, Slovakia

Hydra Pace Final Presentation, curated by Petra Houskovà and Husam Abusalem, Bait al-Zaibaq, Ramallah, Palestine 

Ona, curated by Vladimir Bačič, DLUSP, Lokarjeva galerija, Ajdovščina, Slovenia


Primordial Finds, curated by Gianluca Cappellazzo, Sharevolution Contemporary Art Gallery, Genova, Italy

Izolacija življenja / Isolation of life, curated by Vladimir Bačič, Lokarjeva galerija, Ajdovščina, Slovenia

Mozaik, curated by Vladimir Bačič, Lokarjeva galerija, Ajdovščina, Slovenia


Fin de Siecle, Provenance of Subject, curated by Zala Orel, Galerija Layerjeve hiše, Kranj, Slovenia 

Salon, curated by Shawn James, Greenpointgallery, NY, NY, USA

Spin Off, Simposio di Pittura, curated by Ariele Bachetti, Gervasutti Foundation, Venice, Italy

Alfa za bete, curated by Lucija Smodiš, Pekarna magdalenske mreže, Galerija K18, Maribor, Slovenia

AIR4, curated by Piera Ravnikar, Ravnikar Gallery Space, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Antikulturna Antiproslava, curated by Miha Kosovel, Carinarnica, Nova Gorica, Slovenia


Il Gemello Cattivo, curated by Michela Eremita, Museo di Santa Maria della Scala, Siena, Italy

La Torre Maluttona e Il Mercato Babelico, curated by Paola Capata, Monitor Gallery, Rome, Italy

Opera Prima, curated by Paola Bristot and Riccardo Caldura, in collaboration with Daniele Capra, Giuliana Carbi Jesurun and Trieste Contemporanea, Atrio Monumentale, Trieste, Italy


Perpendicular, curated by Fondazione Malutta, Parallel Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Trigger Party, curated by Siliqoon, Marselleria Milano, Milan, Italy

La Fritata, curated by La poltrona viola Art Studio, Trieste, Italy

Cabinet, One of us, curated by Zoe de Luca, Museo di Livorno, Livorno, Italy

Tutti la chiamano la casa delle ragazze, site specific public art intervention, curated by Driant Zeneli, Mediterranea 18th Young Artists Biennale (HOME), Tirana, Albania

Passengers that come and go, curated by Rubin Beqo, Tulla Culture Center, Tirana, Albania

Collezione Malutta and Black market, curated by Paola Capata, Monitor Gallery, Rome, Italy


Fondazione Malutta meets the Albanian Pavilion, curated by Simon Battisti, Leah Whitman-Salkin, Architecture Biennale, Venice, Italy

Fondazione Malutta, curated by Justine Luce, Radoso Darbu Galerija, Riga, Latvia


Rob Pruitt Flea Market,  Finding Goran Gogić, curated by Aurora Fonda, A plus A Gallery, Venice, Italy


Art kontakt, curated by Andi Tepelena, Porto Palermo, Albania

Mutatosi in una pioggia d’oro: Painting as performace, curated by Andrea Bruciati and White Fish Tank, Marzocca (AN), Italy

Paesaggi e non. Omaggio a Gofredo Parise, Museo del paesaggio, curated by Saverio Simi De Burgis, Torre del Mosto (VE), Italy

Bela manipulacija – White manipulation, curated by Lucija Smodiš & Rezidenca Maistrova, Pekarna magdalenske mreže, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Maschere d’artista, Ca’ Soranzo, Venice, Italy

La Collezione, Ex-ospizio, Fondamenta delle Terese, Venice, Italy


Da Venezia A Porta Venezia, curated by Caroline Corbetta, IL CREPACCIO, Milan, Italy

Art Night, Talento senza uomini, curated by Carlo di Raco, Fine Arts Academy of Venice, Italy


Art Night - Atelier F, curated by Carlo Di Raco, Martino Scavezzon, Miriam Pertegato, Fine Arts Academy of Venice, Italy




The Impossible Gaze, (with Ariele Bacchetti), curated by Elena de Angeli, terzospazio, Venice, Italy

(Un)trusted Source, Invisible Practices, curated by Ana Papež and Nives Marvin, Obalne Galerije Piran, Galerija Loža, Koper, Slovenia


A Soundwalk, Chapter II, curated by Šárka Zahálková and Gampa Gallery, Atlas Forem, Pardubice, Czech Republic

Predstavitev knjige / Book Presentation, curated by Urška Kleindienst, Media Nox Gallery, Maribor, Slovenia


Zaporedja prostorov / Sequence of Spaces, curated by Nina Skumavc, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia


Personalini, curated by Thomas Braida, Finestra illuminata art studio, Venice, Italy

Pred svojim pragom, (with Enej Gala), curated by Petra Paravan, Galerija Rika Debenjaka, Kanal, Slovenia


Potencial jutranje kave, curated by Špela Lutman, Galerija Mostovna, Nova Gorica, Slovenia


Landscapes, curated by Jure Poša, ZM Nova Gorica, Slovenia

Landscapes, in collaboration with MedeArt, Medea (GO), Italy




Reading Public Space, artist in residency, Offcity AiR, Pardubice, Czech Republic


Hydra Pace, Platform for Artistic Collaboration and Exchange, artist in residency, Kair Košice Artist in Residence, Košice, Slovakia

Dolomiti Contemporanee, artist in residency, Nuovo Spazio di Casso - ex Villaggio Eni Borca di Cadore, Italy


Odprti Atelje, artist in residency, Galerija Dobra Vaga, Ljubljana, Slovenia 


7. International Summer Campus, artist in residency, Künstlerstadt Kalbe, Kalbe, Germany


Simposio di Pittura, artist in residency, Gervasutti Foundation, Venice, Italy

2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017

Atelier F, Workshop, artist in residency, Accademie Italiane di Belle Arti, Magazzino n°35, Forte Marghera, Venice, Italy


Uncharted Festival of Arts, artist in residency, Porto Palermo, Albania

2012, 2011

Workshop, artist in residency, Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, Magazzino n°35 , Forte Marghera, Venice, Italy


Atelier F, artist in residency, curated by Carlo Di Raco, Miriam Pertegato, JAŠA, Martino Scavezzon, Magazzino n°35, Forte Marghera, Venice, Italy

Cadavre exquis, Open Laboratory of Drawing and Painting, curated by Carlo Di Raco, Ivana D’Agostino, Domenico Papa, Magazino del Sale n°3, Fondamenta degli Incurabili, Venice, Italy



IN/BETWEEN, Vienna Art Week, open studio, WEST Space Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Open House / housewarming and open studio, open studio, WEST Space Vienna, Vienna, Austria


A Soundwalk, online project presentation, Hydra Pace Platform for Artistic Reseach 

Workshop, coordinated by Tatiana Takacova, Kair artist in residence, Košice, Slovakia

Open Studios, art talk, coordinated by Petra Houskovà, Šopa Gallery, Košice, Slovakia


A tutta Malutta, art talk, curated by Thomas Braida, Venice, Italy

Open Studios, art talk, coordinated by Corina Kobele, Künstlerstadt Kalbe, Kalbe, Germany


La costruzione di un errore, art talk, Fondazione Malutta, coordinated by Angela Vettese, Teatrino del Palazzo Grassi, Venice, Italy

Transparent travel, art talk, curated by The two gullivers, Ca’ Soranzo, Venice, Italy

Tutti la chiamano la casa delle ragazze, book presentation, curated by Carlo Sala, Driant Zeneli, Mediterranea 18th Young Artists Biennale (HOME), Tirana, Albania


Tutti la chiamano la casa delle ragazze, book presentation, curated by Carlo Sala, Treviso (VE), Italy



MMC RTV SLO, Najobetavnejša imena mlade slovenske umetnosti: predstavljajo se nominiranci za nagrado OHO, Ljubljana (SI), 2024, article
MMC RTV SLO, Znana je četverica letošnjih nominirancev za nagrado skupine OHO, Ljubljana (SI), 2024, article
Ingrid Mager, Dnevnik, Finalisti nagrade skupine OHO na skupinski razstavi, Ljubljana (SI), 2024, article
Radio Ars, RTV SLO, Odprtje razstave nominirancev za nagrado skupine OHO, Ljubljana (SI), 2024, radio interview
Radio Student, Stolp, vodnjak in likovni jezik, Ljubljana (SI), 2024, radio interview
SEEcult, Finale nagrade grupe OHO, Belgrade (RS), 2024, article
Primorske novice, Kdaj prenehamo biti tujke, tujci, priseljenke?, Koper (SI), 2024, interview and article
Linda Carluccio, Exibart, La libertà di fare insieme, Brescia (IT), 2023, article
OffCity, AIR 2023 / Nežka Zamar and Orhan “aib” Kavrakoglu: A Soundwalk, Chapter II, Pardubice (CZ), 2023, article

RTVSLO Kultura, V Škucu se je začel festival Topografije Zvoka, Ljubljana (SI), 2022, video article

Nina Dragičević x Galerija Škuc, Topografije Zovka, Ljubljana (SI), September 2022, exhibition catalogue

Nina Skumavc, Časnik Delo, Zvoktekst, Nekateri tokovi Sodobne poezije, Ljubljana (SI), 2022, art critique, newspaper article

Radio Študent, Kultura za vse, Vizualno poetični sprehod po galeriji, Ljubljana (SI), 2022, radio interview

RTVSLO Kultura, Razstava vizualnih Umetnic Nežke Zamar in Valerije Intihar v Galeriji P74, Ljubljana (SI), 2022, video article

Roman Valenta x Kair, Documentary video of the project A Soundwalk, Košice (SK), 2021, short documentary film

Urška Aplinc, Lene Lekše, Ana Likar, Mia Paller, Matic Pandel, Lea Topolovec, Nežka Zamar, Kino Šiška Center for Urban Culture, Likely to Happen, Ljubljana, 2022, exhibition catalogue

Anja Zver, Rok Avbar, Hydra Pace, Kino Šiška Center for Urban Culture, August 2021, Ljubljana (SI), residency catalogue, final publication 

Gianluca Cappellazzo, Sharevolution Contemporary Art, Primordial Finds, edited by Chiara Pinardi, Genova (IT), 2020, exhibition review

Vladimir Bačič, Lokarjeva Galerija, Mozaik, Ajdovščina (SI), 2020, exhibition catalogue  

Fin-de-siecle, Galerija Layerjeve hiše in stolpa Škrlovec, Kranj (SI), 2019, exhibition review 

Iza Košir, Mladina, AIR4 (100 artists) (100 artworks), Ravnikar Gallery Space, Ljubljana (SI), 2019, article

Santa Maria della Scala Museum, Il Gemello cattivo, Siena (IT), 2018, article 

Justine Luce, Rachele Maistrello, Alice Modenesi, Barbara Prenka, Sulltane Tusha, Nežka Zamar, Tutti la chiamano la casa delle ragazze, produced by Studio Cortellazzo Wiel & Associati, graphic design by Multiplo Studio, Treviso (IT), 2016, book 

Cristiana Colli e Pippo Ciorra, Mappe LAB IV edizione, Demanio Marittimo, Mutatosi in una pioggia d'oro, edited by Gagliardini Editore, July 2014,  article

Petra Paravan, Pred svojim paragom, Galerija Rika Debenjaka, Kanal ob Soči (SI), April 2016, exhibition review

Giorgio Baldo, Stefano Cecchetto, Paesaggi e non. Omaggio a Gofredo Parise, Museo del Paesaggio, Torre di Mosto (IT), June 2014, exhibition catalogue

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